Autarcie | Baise Ma Hache — Ultra-Rural

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Black Metal.

-The first one is a split CD between two of the most important band of the new wave of French neo-romantic Black Metal. The split entitled «Ultra-Rural» is a tribute to France’s most hidden and untouched corners where the true French spirit is still alive. It is also a manifest against modernity and metropolitan social life. Needless to say, both bands offer emotionally charged, dramatic and melancholic songs as an anthem to what was once their pride.

1 –Autarcie Ultra-Rural 11:42
2 –Autarcie Embrasement Clandestin 8:22
3 –Autarcie FolkMort 7:38
4 –Autarcie Notre Sous-France 8:47
5 –Autarcie La Fin Du Trimardeur 5:27
6 –Baise Ma Hache Les Seigneurs Du Pleur 6:16
7 –Baise Ma Hache Au Crépuscule D’une Epoque 5:13
8 –Baise Ma Hache Ma Meute 6:56
9 –Baise Ma Hache Grand Bornand 44 7:17

Tour De Garde


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